FDA approves new blood test to screen for colon cancer that should be covered by insurance: 'It's going to have a huge impact'

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  • READ MORE: Scientists make 'profound' find astir nutrient and colon cancer

By Emily Joshu Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Published: 09:45 EDT, 29 July 2024 | Updated: 10:17 EDT, 29 July 2024

Health officials person approved a caller humor trial to surface for colon cancer. 

The FDA announced Monday it signed disconnected connected Shield, a humor trial from California-based Guardant Health. 

While nan trial is not meant to switch colonoscopies - nan golden modular for screening - doctors judge it could thief combat nan surge successful colorectal cancer cases crossed nan US, peculiarly successful young people. 

And nan tool, which presently retails for almost $900, will apt beryllium covered by astir security plans, though it's unclear erstwhile that sum will start. 

Guardant's humor test, which presently retails for $895, is expected to beryllium covered by astir security plans pursuing FDA approval

Dr Sapna Syngal, head of strategical readying for prevention and early crab discovery astatine nan Dana-Farber Cancer Center successful Boston, told NBC News: 'The biggest problem pinch colon crab correct now is that there’s a important portion of nan organization that’s not getting screened.'

'If this trial increases nan number of group getting screened, it’s going to person a immense impact.' 

Guardant recommends Shield beryllium fixed each 3 years, starting astatine property 45 - nan aforesaid property recommended colonoscopies should begin. 

If Shield detects cancerous DNA, a colonoscopy is still needed to find tumors.

Dr Robert Smith, elder vice president of Early Cancer Detection Science astatine nan American Cancer Society, told NBC News: 'People person to understand that a affirmative Shield trial requires a colonoscopy to corroborate that you person an precocious lesion aliases colorectal cancer, aliases that nan results were false.'

'A trial for illustration this is not complete if it’s affirmative and you person not had a colonoscopy.' 

The support comes aft a March study recovered that Shield was 83 percent effective successful detecting colorectal cancer, though it is champion suited for uncovering later-stage disease.

The study recovered that nan test, which detects DNA released by cancerous tumors into nan bloodstream, was only 13 percent effective successful uncovering earlier shape disease. 

Roughly 1 successful 4 colorectal cancers are detected astatine stages 3 aliases four, and little than 20 percent of patients pinch shape 4 illness will past aft 5 years, according to nan NCI.  

The American Cancer Society estimates that much than 53,000 group will dice from colon crab this year, and that number has surged particularly successful Americans nether 50. 

Scientists are still figuring retired what precisely is down nan increase, but caller investigation suggests that diets precocious successful reddish meat, processed foods, and sweetener could beryllium to blame. 

And researchers astatine nan University of Florida are recruiting young patients to find if energy drinks containing taurine could besides substance colorectal cancer. 

Dr Arvind Dasari, an subordinate professor successful nan section of gastrointestinal and aesculapian oncology astatine nan University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, told NBC News that nan support was a 'welcome development,' though he cautioned that nan nonstop effect is still unclear. 

'We'll person to hold and spot what nan effect will beryllium successful position of improving screening and reducing nan incidence of mortality.'

Source dailymail