Faces Behind Luxy Hair: Nancy, Customer Experience Specialist

Trending 1 year ago

What does a emblematic time astatine Luxy look for illustration for you?
I activity for Luxy part-time, truthful nan days I do activity dwell of maine “running” from my different distant occupation complete to Luxy. Once I’m settled successful and person checked successful pinch nan team, I drawback up connected messages, and past walk my clip interacting pinch customers via email, socials, and email. 

Describe your WFH outfit 
Anything that is comfy. Thank goodness for distant work! You tin usually find maine successful leggings aliases sweatpants pinch an oversized crewneck. 

Why did you determine to prosecute a profession successful this field? 
I’ve ever worked successful positions wherever I’m helping customers. I started retired moving successful Recruitment and made nan alteration a fewer years agone to a Marketing and SaaS company, wherever I activity full-time. Working pinch customers wherever you connection a tangible merchandise is very different from offering services, truthful I’m grateful to person nan opportunity to study truthful overmuch astir E-Commerce and each nan things that spell connected down nan scenes for a institution pinch a very beardown online and societal presence, for illustration Luxy. 

Who is your hairsbreadth inspo and why?
Shay Mitchell. Her hairsbreadth ever looks truthful effortless. She makes it look truthful easy.

Favourite point astir moving astatine Luxy? 
The group and nan culture. Luxy has specified a affirmative and supportive activity environment. Everyone is really adjuvant and ever eager and consenting to thief each different out. I first heard astir Luxy from YouTube, watching their videos arsenic good arsenic videos from nan co-founders. The truth that I activity for Luxy now is specified a afloat circle infinitesimal and seems a spot surreal. 

What are your favourite emojis to use? 
😂 🥰 🐶

What are 3 things you are grateful for and why? 
My family, my dog, and Netflix

What is your favourite snack? 
I’m not overmuch of a sweets aliases cocoa type person, my weakness is decidedly chips. My favourite is Lays Wavy Regular, lightly salted of people ;) 

Describe your self-care routine 
An astatine location night. Maybe doing my nails aliases a look disguise and relaxing connected nan sofa watching a movie aliases binging my favourite TV classics pinch my favourite chips. My canine should besides beryllium adjacent keeping maine company. 

Which societal level is your favourite and who do you bask pursuing nan astir and why? 
Instagram. I don’t person a peculiar personification aliases creator that I bask pursuing nan most, but I emotion pursuing nutrient & look arsenic good arsenic location decor accounts. Also emotion nan meme accounts for illustration mytherapistsays and betches because they are SO relatable.

What was nan past book that you publication that made a immense effect connected your life?
I’ve precocious picked up nan hobby of reference and publication 3 books successful 2 months truthful acold (which is simply a immense accomplishment for me). The astir caller book I vanished is “It Ends With Us”, which I deliberation everyone is reading/has publication these days. It was really oculus opening and changed my thoughts and opinions connected a batch of important topics. 

What is your regular mantra aliases words to unrecorded by? 
Progress is much important than perfection.

What’s your horoscope motion and really would you picture yourself successful 3 words? 
Leo. I would picture myself arsenic independent, homebody, and adaptable.

Source luxyhair