End-of-life chaplain reveals how Trump's near-death experience could radically change him - after Thomas Matthew Crooks' shooting attempt

Trending 3 months ago

Had he not shifted his caput conscionable a fewer inches to nan right, erstwhile President Trump apt would not person survived nan effort connected his life connected Saturday.

In his ain words, he shouldn’t beryllium here. 

How specified an arena mightiness alteration nan erstwhile President remains to beryllium seen, but nan 78-year-old has already pivoted his messaging up of nan RNC this week, toning down his emblematic lambasts of nan Democrats and highlighting calls for unity and civility.

Reverend Catherine Duncan is an ordained curate successful Minnesota and chaplain astatine hospice and trauma centers. She has helped hundreds patients walk to nan different side. 

Based connected her immense experience, Rev Duncan predicts a belief awakening successful Trump that leads him to go much centrist successful his governmental views. 

Donald Trump was rushed by Secret Service successful nan seconds aft shots were fired astatine his Pennsylvania rally connected Saturday, pinch 1 slug grazing his correct ear

Rev Duncan told DailyMail.com: ‘There's a batch of chaos successful nan United States pinch nan election. 

'And I deliberation that experience, I would sense, pinch Trump, it opens up your consciousness of being alive, your consciousness of feeling, your consciousness of experience, and really do you want to move forward?

‘And there's already been immoderate rumblings politically astir unity, tin location beryllium unity, and I could spot Trump leaning towards a much mediate measurement and unity among everyone.’

She added: 'This could beryllium a important turning constituent for Trump for embracing nan good, embracing really we tin dainty each different pinch emotion and kindness and really tin we find a mediate measurement successful each nan chaos correct now. 

'I deliberation it's a very beardown message. And I deliberation it tin decidedly touch people's hearts.’ 

Many person accused Trump of leaning into belief to summation favour pinch Republican voters during his first statesmanlike run, and questioned nan sincerity of his faith.

But Rev Duncan said that adjacent brushes pinch decease tin wholly change a person’s worldview sloppy of really devout they were, ‘and each 1 of america tin alteration and unfastened and take really we unrecorded our life.’

Mr Trump’s elder run advisor Jason Miller told NBC nan erstwhile president ‘feels very fortunate’ to beryllium alive. 

And Mr Trump said on his societal media tract Truth Social connected Sunday that ‘it was God unsocial who prevented nan unthinkable from happening.’

Mr Trump, pictured pinch his grandchildren, has reportedly taken his endurance arsenic a 'gift from god' that Rev Duncan believes will change his way connected nan run going forward

Typically, nan word ‘near-death experience’ pertains to a person’s acquisition erstwhile they’ve fallen unfortunate to terrible trauma, person small to nary encephalon activity, are successful heavy anesthesia, aliases are successful cardiac arrest. 

Research into near-death experiences is expanding rapidly, and a recent review of nan aftereffects of NDEs showed nan astir commonly reported effects to beryllium a nonaccomplishment of fearfulness of death, a belief of being favored by god, a reinvigorated consciousness of purpose, heightened self-esteem, and accrued compassion for different people.

Rev Duncan was herself look to look pinch decease successful a achromatic h2o rafting incident erstwhile she was thrown overboard and pulled heavy underwater.

She said nan ordeal ‘cracked maine open. It gave maine clarity of what really mattered successful life and clarity and a consciousness of why americium I really present and purpose, a consciousness of nan preciousness of life.’ 

It led her to time off a lucrative occupation pinch Time Inc. and spell to divinity schoolhouse to go an ordained minister.

She said: ‘A lens opens astir life and your position opens up, it changes your position connected life. 

'Many group thin towards what do I really want to do pinch my life and what's really important? They consciousness much hope, they consciousness much kindness. That's what I’ve witnessed a lot.’

Mr Trump’s communications since nan terrifying arena connected Saturday propose a renewed zeal for nan divine that will apt mean much belief rhetoric connected nan run way and perchance much support arsenic group position this arsenic a premier illustration of divine intervention.

A personification who said pinch nan erstwhile President connected Sunday said he was almost ‘spiritual’ astir his near-miss pinch decease and felt he was ‘handed a gift from God’ by surviving.

Rev Catherine Duncan, an ordained curate and chaplain astatine some hospice and trauma centers, said '100 percent' that Mr Trump is 'leaning towards a much mediate measurement and unity among everyone' aft his brushwood pinch death

All of this would bolster immoderate candidate’s messaging strength. It mightiness arsenic good beryllium rocket substance for a campaigner whose superior intent is to dismantle nan position quo and make arsenic overmuch sound arsenic imaginable while doing it.

That will apt beryllium disquieting to Democrats, meanwhile, who person spent weeks highlighting nan Heritage Foundation-authored and erstwhile Trump staffer-approved Project 2025 blueprint. 

The blueprint, among different things, calls for an overhaul of nan Departments of Education and Health and Human Services and wide layoffs to instal Trump loyalists successful regulatory positions.

Democrats are now progressively fearful that Saturday’s proceedings will catapult him to martyr position and turbocharge nan persecuted unfortunate communicative that he has placed astatine nan halfway of his campaign.

Rev Duncan said: ‘There's going to beryllium a range, I think, of opinions based connected people's religion inheritance There mightiness beryllium group that are much accepted Christians that will opportunity God saved him.

‘But nan bottommost statement is, it was not his time. And he's been fixed nan gift of life, I believe.’

Source dailymail