Elizabeth Taylor's father branded her a w***e when her affair with Richard Burton was exposed in a shocking revelation from unearthed interview

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Elizabeth Taylor revealed her begetter branded her a w***e erstwhile her matter pinch Richard Burton was exposed.

Her shocking revelation was unveiled successful an unearthed signaling which featured in HBO documentary Elizabeth Taylor: The Lost Tapes, wherever she opens up astir her life and loves. 

The Hollywood star, who passed distant successful 2011 aged 79, famously sent shockwaves done nan showbiz world erstwhile she fell for Richard while still joined to 4th hubby Eddie Fisher - pinch nan lovebirds marrying conscionable 10 days aft she divided Eddie. 

And while Elizabeth and Richard's national made headlines astir nan world, drafting daze and anger from some Hollywood and nan Vatican, Elizabeth recovered herself facing very harsh disapproval person to location erstwhile her begetter Francis Lenn Taylor told her what he thought of her.

Speaking to US newsman Richard Meryman successful an question and reply successful nan mid-60s, Elizabeth said: 'My begetter called maine a w****'.

Elizabeth Taylor has revealed that her ain begetter called her a 'whore' aft she near her hubby Eddie Fisher for Richard Burton [pictured pinch Richard successful 1970]

The precocious movie icon says that Francis Taylor was furious aft she divided Fisher successful 1964 and joined Burton 10 days later, an enactment which scandalized Hollywood and drew nan ire of nan Vatican [pictured pinch her mother and begetter successful 1959]

Elizabeth met Richard while moving connected their 1963 movie Cleopatra, pinch nan character having been joined to his first woman Sybil Christopher astatine nan time.

And it wasn't conscionable nan her creation trader begetter who's ire she faced, but nan Catholic religion too, pinch Elizabeth adding: 'I met specified guidance from everyone' 

Speaking connected nan tapes, she went on: 'The Vatican newspaper had travel retired pinch an point saying that I was truthful despicable. 

'My ain children should beryllium taken distant from me, an onslaught that really - well, it made maine vomit.'

She besides added that she'd had a 'horrendous week' amid threats of violence. 

In a caller documentary, Taylor speaks from beyond nan grave to besides opportunity her matrimony to Fisher was truthful unhappy she erstwhile tried to termination herself by overdosing connected sleeping pills.

In 'Elizabeth Taylor: The Lost Tapes', which had its North American premiere astatine nan Tribeca Film Festival successful June, she calls it 'selfish' because it would person been ruinous to her children.

Taylor besides deflects immoderate of nan blasted for getting progressive pinch Fisher successful nan first spot and says his matrimony to ex-wife Debbie Reynolds was not perfect.

While Elizabeth and Richard's national made headlines astir nan world, Elizabeth recovered herself facing very harsh disapproval person to location erstwhile her begetter told her what he thought of her

Taylor scandalously joined Fisher conscionable 3 hours aft he divided character Debbie Reynolds

In nan astir biting portion of nan film, Taylor says that Reynolds' daze astatine Fisher seeking a divorcement was 'such an act' because she and Fisher were 'unhappy' contempt their nationalist image arsenic sweethearts.

The movie is based connected 40 hours of recently discovered tapes and recordings that Taylor made successful nan 1960s, erstwhile she was astatine nan highest of her fame, pinch journalist Richard Meryman.

There was besides a 1985 question and reply pinch Dominick Dunne which is woven into nan narrative.

The documentary is directed by Nanette Burstein, who antecedently directed 'Hillary' astir Hillary Clinton and 'The Kid Stays In The Picture,' astir nan precocious movie shaper Robert Evans, and is owed to travel retired connected HBO successful August.

Taylor was a personage from nan property of 11 and became celebrated pinch her domiciled successful Lassie Come Home, which was released successful 1943.

She won 2 Academy Awards, was joined 8 times – doubly to Burton – and died successful 2011 having been one of Hollywood's astir enduring stars.

In 'The Lost Tapes,' Taylor describes really uncomfortable she was pinch becoming celebrated astatine specified a young age.

By nan property of 16 she was playing 24-year-old women connected surface moreover though wrong she was conscionable a 'terrified' young girl.

At 18 she met Nicky Hilton, a socialite and heir to nan Hilton Hotels fortune.

He was 23 and they sewage joined moreover though Taylor was 'a virgin, mentally and physically….I was not prepared to beryllium an adult,' she says.

'I was successful emotion pinch being successful love…infatuated pinch love,' Taylor says. As a consequence she made what she calls 'horrendous mistakes.'

With Hilton they included 'his kicking maine successful nan tummy and causing maine to person a miscarriage,' an section Taylor recounts pinch small emotion.

Taylor (left) says that Reynolds' (right) daze astatine Fisher (center) seeking a divorcement was 'such an act' because she and Fisher were 'unhappy' contempt their nationalist image arsenic sweethearts

However, Taylor said Fisher was controlling and called it 'one big, friggin' atrocious mistake'

Taylor says: 'The wedding was lovely. Then came disillusionment. Also a fewer divided lips.'

'Nick was ever successful a tantrum. I couldn't spell backmost to that life of specified intelligence and beingness maltreatment and our matrimony was complete and done with.'

As a 19-year-old divorcee, Taylor enjoyed nan first independent clip of her life and she had a shot while staying astatine nan Plaza Hotel successful New York pinch Roddy McDowall, her co-star connected Lassie who became a lifelong friend.

McDowall was cheery and Taylor enjoyed his institution and that of different cheery men – including later Rock Hudson – because she knew they wouldn't effort to travel connected to her.

Husband no.2 was character Michael Wilding who Taylor calls nan 'great stabilizer' arsenic he was 20 years older than her.

Wilding represented 'tranquility, information and maturity,' which were each nan things Taylor was looking for successful her ain life.

Taylor was 'dying' to person children and wanted to beryllium a 'good woman and a splendid mother,' truthful she had 2 children pinch Wilding, Michael Wilding Jr. and Christopher Wilding, nan first of her 4 kids.

In 'Elizabeth Taylor: The Lost Tapes,' nan character revealed she was truthful miserable successful her matrimony to Eddie Fisher that she attempted to overdose connected sleeping pills

The movie is based connected 40 hours of precocious discovered tapes and recordings that Taylor made successful nan 1960s

Taylor admits that 3 of nan 5 years she was joined to Wilding were not moving because she 'sort of hen-pecked' and 'dominated him'.

Taylor had hoped that Wilding would beryllium nan stronger of nan brace but he wasn't.

'I request personification to predominate me,' Taylor candidly admits.

Taylor's 3rd matrimony was to a man who her friends called nan 'love of her life.'

She met Mike Todd while he was producing his first film, Around nan World successful 80 Days, which became a smash deed and won him an Oscar.

Taylor wasn't overly attracted to nan flamboyant Todd, but admired really he was a 'real con creator who could con nan golden retired of your teeth,' arsenic she puts it.

The time aft Taylor collapsed up pinch Wilding, Todd demanded to spot her successful an agency astatine MGM and gave her a reside saying he loved her and location was 'no question' they should beryllium together.

Remarkably Taylor went on pinch it and they wed, touring nan world to beforehand his movie.

Taylor joined her first husband, Conrad Nicholas Hilton Jr, astatine 18 years aged and said he erstwhile kicked her successful nan tummy to origin a miscarriage

Husband number 2 was character Michael Wilding, who was 20 years her elder and nan begetter of her first 2 children

Taylor's 3rd matrimony was to Mike Todd who her friends called nan 'love of her life' but who tragically died successful a level clang successful 1958

Their relationship came done their communal curiosity and because Todd, a aforesaid knowledgeable man, didn't make Taylor consciousness inadequate arsenic she did successful Hollywood owed to her deficiency of general training arsenic an actress.

In nan movie Taylor says that she would deliberately make Todd huffy by doing things for illustration turning up late.

When he mislaid his temper and 'dominated' her, she would 'purr wrong because he had won,' she says successful nan film, adding that she needs spot successful a man.

'I request that value successful a man much than immoderate different value because I cognize myself and I cognize I will effort and get distant pinch murder.'

But happiness would past small much than a twelvemonth and Todd died successful a level clang successful 1958 while walking from New Mexico to New York.

Taylor could person been connected nan level were it not for her having a cold.

While successful mourning, Taylor grew adjacent to Eddie Fisher, an character who was champion friends pinch Todd and was joined to Debbie Reynolds, herself an actress.

In nan movie Reynolds says that she and Fisher went to Taylor's location soon aft Todd's decease and recovered her truthful distraught she was 'screaming.'

Reynolds took her children location and told Fisher to stay.

According to Reynolds, Fisher was a 'great comfort' to Taylor and accompanied her connected a travel to New York, claiming he had to beryllium location for work.

While successful mourning, Taylor grew adjacent to Eddie Fisher, an character who was champion friends pinch Todd, but said she 'never loved him' became depressed owed to his controlling ways

Taylor met Richard Burton connected nan group of nan epic movie Cleopatra [pictured] wherever he played Mark Anthony to her Cleopatra and their matter led to a condemnation from nan Vatican

'He really went to beryllium pinch Elizabeth which I recovered retired and realized location was thing superior going connected there,' Reynolds says.

After Taylor was seen retired pinch Fisher, nan 's*** deed nan fan,' Taylor admits.

She says: 'I was keeping Mike live by talking astir him because Eddie was a awesome friend of Mike's. The only point we had successful communal was Mike.

'I ne'er loved Eddie. I liked him. I felt sorry for him. And I liked talking (to him). But he was not Mike.'

They joined successful 1959, scandalously conscionable 3 hours aft Fisher divided Reynolds.

In a sadistic put-down, Taylor says: 'I don't retrieve excessively overmuch astir my matrimony to him (Fisher), isolated from it was 1 big, friggin' atrocious mistake. I knew it earlier we were joined and didn't cognize really to get retired of it.'

She besides takes purpose astatine Reynolds and says: 'I can't opportunity thing against Debbie, but she put connected specified an act, pinch nan pigtails and nan diaper pins pinch nan full point coming arsenic a large shock.

'The nationalist didn't cognize immoderate of nan individual unhappiness betwixt Debbie and Eddie that I knew about. As acold arsenic they were concerned I had surgery up a perfectly happy marriage.'

Taylor soon became depressed owed to Fisher's controlling ways.

She claims successful nan movie that he 'made judge I felt lonely' and they ne'er went retired arsenic he didn't for illustration her to beryllium pinch different people.

'I was truthful hopeless astatine 1 clip I did return immoderate sleeping pills,' Taylor says.

'I did it deliberately, calmly. I was fed up pinch living. I couldn't look nan thought of divorce. I'd alternatively person been dead.'

A expert came to spot Taylor and she recovered, leaving her 'deeply ashamed' because she was being truthful selfish and not reasoning of her children.

The first clip she met Richard Burton was connected nan group of nan epic movie Cleopatra wherever he played Mark Anthony to her Cleopatra.

Burton having nan worst hangover Taylor had ever seen successful a man did not put her off.

For his part, Burton wasn't deterred by Taylor burping during their first encounter.

In nan movie Burton says he was enthralled by Taylor and says she is 'queen-like, distant…it's nan inaccessibility of Elizabeth that makes her truthful exciting.'

Taylor admits that she and Burton tried to support themselves isolated but they couldn't extremity falling successful emotion pinch each other.

At nan clip Burton was joined to character Sybil Williams, pinch whom he had 2 children, and nan ensuing ungraded coincided pinch nan merchandise of Cleopatra successful 1963 and was dissimilar thing nan world had seen.

The Vatican issued a connection condemning Taylor and saying that her children should beryllium taken away.

'It made maine want to vomit,' Taylor says, adding that nan Italian FBI had to analyse aft she sewage threats to rustle her up pinch a bomb.

Taylor began to time off Fisher but past sewage backmost together pinch him, only for Fisher to go moreover much abusive.

In nan film, Taylor says: 'Eddie astatine nighttime clip would beryllium up – and he had a gun.

'Every clip I astir nodded disconnected he would changeable my limb and say: "I'm not going to termination you, I wouldn't sprout you. You are overmuch excessively pretty." All nighttime long. Eventually, I ran from nan house, I was truthful scared.'

Taylor calls nan business 'desperate' for everyone involved.

After revealing nan reproach from her father, she added that she felt blameworthy astir Burton's children for 'having inflicted specified atrocious pain' connected them.

Taylor said she tried to usage her fame for bully and started amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, raising consciousness of HIV and AIDS

In her life, Taylor won 2 Academy Awards, was joined 8 times - doubly to Burton - and died successful 2011 having been 1 of Hollywood's astir enduring stars

She says: 'Do I deliberation I'm going to beryllium punished successful hell? I don't deliberation we tin scheme for being rewarded afterwards. We must salary connected this earth, we must do our penance now.'

For Taylor, that meant utilizing her fame to commencement amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, and raising consciousness of HIV and AIDS.

She says successful nan movie that this was a measurement of utilizing her fame for good, moreover though she was ne'er comfortable pinch being a personage herself.

Reflecting connected her nationalist image, Taylor says that she was considered to beryllium an 'untrustworthy lady, wholly superficial – and excessively pretty.'

She says: 'Maybe because of my individual life I propose thing illicit, but I americium not illicit, and I americium not immoral. I make mistakes, and I person paid for them.

'I cognize that I will ne'er beryllium capable to salary nan bill, but that is not thing you tin put successful nan story.'

Source dailymail