Drunk male 'Karen' filmed breaking boy's fishing rod in viral video is a church leader

Trending 3 months ago

The drunk antheral 'Karen' filmed breaking a young boy's sportfishing rod successful a TikTok video that has gone viral is simply a well-respected religion leader and retired executive. 

Matthew Webster, 62, was captured furiously rushing towards nan teens snatching nan sportfishing rod from his hands earlier breaking nan $200 rod successful half, arsenic nan wide-eyed kid watched successful daze pinch his rima hanging open, arsenic he yelled, 'Nooooooo!'

'Don't touch my rod! Don't f*****g touch my rod,' nan different teen is heard saying while opinionated adjacent Webster's location connected Admiral's Landing vicinity successful East Knoxville. He told nan teens they were 'trespassing connected backstage property.' 

The June 24 speech became heated and astatine 1 constituent Webster threatened that he would flip their compartment phones into nan lake, arsenic he slurred profanities astatine them.

It has now been revealed by The Smoking Gun that Webster and his woman Eileen retired to Knoxville successful 2018 from Indiana, wherever he was a location president for a section of Dover Corporation, a world manufacturer. 

The Matthew C. Webster Trust purchased nan 3000-square-foot location for $485,000 successful July of that year. In 2021, nan deed was transferred to nan Webster Family Community Property Trust, arsenic per nan news outlet.

After his move to Tennessee, Webster volunteered to chair nan Haiti Outreach Program, a Catholic unpaid group of nan Cathedral of nan Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, astatine a section Catholic church.

Matt Webster is seen approaching nan teen accusing him of trespassing. The boy was signaling nan heated exchange 

Webster is captured grabbing the  $200 sportfishing roadworthy and breaking it successful half arsenic nan boy  appeared shocked 

Footage shows Webster attempting to intimidate 1 of nan boys by shouting successful his look arsenic nan boy recorded him arsenic he grew much irate. 'Do you want your telephone to spell into nan reservoir young man?

'Back distant from him,' nan different teen said.  'Don't trial me, Webster quipped.' Walk retired of here. Leave! Leave!'

A man and female who whitethorn person been connected to Webster watched helplessly arsenic nan speech betwixt nan trio became much heated. 

The different teen told Webster 'you threatened us... you threatened us,' arsenic he told nan homeowner he was waiting for nan constabulary to come.

Webster responded, 'I'm going to return your telephone and propulsion it successful nan lake,' but nan kid didn't backmost down telling him if he does return his phone, he will 'press charges.'

Matt Webster chairs nan Haiti Outreach Program, a Catholic unpaid group of nan Cathedral of nan Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, astatine a section Catholic church 

Webster changeable back, 'for what?'  The teen responded for 'assault. What?' Webster told nan youngster, 'It's not assault' and told them to time off his property, but nan boy and his friend did not leave.

His sound grew louder arsenic he look grew beet reddish arsenic he yelled, 'You're sportfishing successful a backstage lake. Get retired of present now,' he demanded.

The teen changeable back, 'the cops are coming we are conscionable waiting for them.'

Pointing his digit successful nan air, Webster told nan boys they will get prosecuted, and sad: 'You're parents are gonna beryllium existent proud that you're gonna salary each kinds of money because you're being a d***. '

'I'm not being a d***, nan teen replied calmly. 'Sir, you are nan 1 yelling.'

He walked complete to nan boy whose rod he collapsed telling him to spell away, and nan kid replied, 'don't touch me.'  

One of nan boys told him he smelled intoxicant connected Webster's breath, he snapped and said, 'You're right, I had a drink. Is that against nan law, dumb s***?'

The alleviation group, that Webster chairs, raises costs to supply 'impoverished children [with] regular nourishment, cleanable water, acquisition and wellness care, and different much-needed services.'

Aside from his kindness work, Webster is besides progressive successful nan homeowner's. association. 

It is unclear if nan constabulary responded to nan scene.

When DailyMail.com contacted nan Knox County Sheriff's they were unavailable, but according to a spokesperson location is an progressive investigation, but further specifications could not beryllium disclosed since the matter involves juveniles, arsenic per nan news outlet.

Source dailymail