Do you have Main Character Syndrome? People who believe they are the protagonist in their life are happier than those who see themselves as sidekicks, study finds

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If you for illustration to image yourself dancing successful nan rainfall aliases opinionated connected nan beforehand of a cruise ship, past you mightiness conscionable person a lawsuit of 'main characteristic syndrome'.

But scientists now opportunity that surviving your life for illustration you're nan protagonist tin really beryllium bully for your intelligence health.

The researchers from nan University of Missouri recovered that group who position themselves arsenic nan main characteristic alternatively than broadside fig person higher levels of wide wellbeing.

In their paper, nan researchers write: 'Such individuals consciousness much autonomous, much competent and effective, and besides acquisition amended relational restitution pinch others.'

What's more, moreover telling a communicative successful which you fig arsenic nan main characteristic is capable to boost your consciousness of psychological satisfaction. 

Researchers declare that group who consciousness much for illustration nan 'main character' successful their life person higher levels of restitution (stock image) 

The study recovered that emotion for illustration nan main characteristic successful nan movie of your life was associated pinch greater feelings of psychological satisfaction 

In psychology, nan word 'narrative identity' refers to nan measurement we position our ain domiciled successful nan communicative of our lives.

As nan researchers constituent out, traditionally it had ever been assumed that group saw themselves arsenic nan main characteristic of nan story.

However, it is besides imaginable that group mightiness spot themselves arsenic playing only a insignificant domiciled successful a larger story, aliases a broadside domiciled successful personification else's story. 

The researchers designed 3 experiments to measurement nan effect of communicative personality connected nan restitution of basal psychological needs.

In nan first, 385 undergraduate assemblage students filled retired a questionnaire which asked them to complaint their consciousness of being nan main character.

They were asked connected a standard of 1 to 5 whether they were a 'minor character' versus 'major character,' 'side character' versus 'primary character,' and 'background character' versus 'lead character'.

The researchers discovered that recalling a clip you felt for illustration nan main characteristic (black bar) could summation affirmative feelings specified arsenic restitution and wellbeing. Recalling a clip you felt for illustration a insignificant characteristic (grey bar) really decreased these measures 

This trial revealed that participants who perceived themselves arsenic a awesome characteristic knowledgeable importantly accrued levels of request restitution and wellbeing. 

Notably, a higher level of 'major characteristic perception' was besides an parameter of amended wellbeing successful 4 weeks' time, suggesting that this was a semipermanent important motion of psychological satisfaction. 

In their paper, published successful Journal of Research successful Personality, nan researchers write: 'Conversely, those who spot themselves arsenic insignificant characters are much apt to consciousness thwarted successful getting these needs satisfied, a information associated pinch diminished self-integration and wellbeing.' 

In a 2nd experiment, 326 students were asked to capable retired a study assessing their wellbeing 2 times – earlier and aft recalling a communicative successful which they were either a awesome aliases insignificant character.

Our level of 'major characteristic perception' mightiness beryllium a beardown parameter of intelligence wellbeing according to this study (stock image) 

The researchers recovered that location was a important quality successful nan results of nan earlier and aft questionnaires depending connected what benignant of communicative was told.

Those who told stories pinch themselves arsenic a main characteristic knowledgeable important increases successful wellbeing and restitution of needs aft recalling nan story.

On nan different hand, those who recalled times they felt for illustration a insignificant characteristic showed important decreases crossed those measures. 

In a 3rd experiment, 298 participants were asked to picture 3 goals they were pursuing and complaint their motivations for doing so.

The participants past repeated nan main characteristic and wellbeing surveys earlier penning a communicative describing themselves arsenic nan main characteristic successful their life. 

Those pinch higher awesome characteristic perceptions pursued goals that were meaningfully aligned pinch their values and showed higher levels of self-motivation, nan experts found.  

Films like Eternal Sunshine Of nan Spotless Mind (pictured) group nan barroom for acting for illustration a 'main character' pinch galore connected societal media relating nan word to gestures of independency and agency 

Likewise, study of nan written narratives showed that those pinch much of a main characteristic analyzable felt much power complete nan world and their actions, besides called 'agency'. 

The thought that becoming nan 'main character' tin springiness group much agency is thing that has agelong dispersed wide connected societal media.  

On TikTok, immoderate group picture what they telephone nan 'main character' method which intends to construe each of their life events arsenic moments successful a moving TV show, for illustration 'Sex and nan City'. 

In 1 video, a TikTok personification says: 'I started surviving my life truthful each time was portion of nan plot.

'When you unrecorded your life for illustration it's a play for illustration a series, everything bad that happens your mindset wholly changes and it goes "well of course, this is conscionable for nan plot".'

On TikTok, immoderate opportunity they effort to unrecorded their lives arsenic if they were nan lead characteristic successful a show for illustration Sex and nan City (pictured). The researchers propose that group who comprehend their lives successful this measurement whitethorn beryllium much satisfied

Likewise, since 2019 nan building 'romanticise your life' has been a predominant telephone for group to enactment much for illustration nan main characteristic of their ain individual TV show. 

And while these ideas mightiness deficiency immoderate of nan rigorous technological backing, they do reflector nan researchers' halfway uncovering that awesome characteristic cognition is linked to accrued agency. 

The researchers don't remark connected whether location is thing you tin do to amended your consciousness of being nan main character.

However, they do statement that 'the measurement successful which an individual perceives themselves arsenic a characteristic successful their life communicative is apt to effect their wellbeing.'

The researchers write: 'When group spot themselves arsenic being nan agentic unit successful their lives and make decisions for themselves, arsenic awesome characters do, alternatively than being swept astir by outer forces (and different people), they are much integrated and afloat functioning selves.' 


Experts from Northwestern University sifted done information from much than 1.5 cardinal questionnaire respondents.

Their research suggests that everyone falls into 1 of 4 chopped clusters of characteristic types.

These are — 


Average group are precocious successful neuroticism and extraversion, while debased successful openness.

'I would expect that nan emblematic personification would beryllium successful this cluster,' said Martin Gerlach, a postdoctoral chap and nan paper's first author.

Females are much apt than males to autumn into nan Average type.


The Reserved type is emotionally stable, but not unfastened aliases neurotic.

They are not peculiarly extroverted, but tin beryllium somewhat agreeable and conscientious.

Role Models

Role Models people debased successful neuroticism and precocious successful each nan different traits. The likelihood that personification is simply a domiciled exemplary increases dramatically pinch age. 

'These are group who are dependable and unfastened to caller ideas,' said study lead Luís Amaral.

'These are bully group to beryllium successful complaint of things.

'In fact, life is easier if you person much dealings pinch domiciled models.' 

More women than men are apt to beryllium domiciled models.


Self-Centred group people very precocious successful extraversion and beneath mean successful openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness.

'These are group you don't want to bent retired with,' co-author William Revelle, professor of psychology, said.

There is simply a very melodramatic alteration successful nan number of self-centred types arsenic group age, some pinch women and men.

Source dailymail