Dear Melania Trump, please speak at the RNC convention, pleads KENNEDY. After deranged Democrats wished death on your husband, there's only one voice that America needs to hear now

Trending 3 months ago

The Ice Queen of Palm Beach has melted.

Following nan bonzer events of Saturday evening, an assassination effort connected a erstwhile president, Melania Trump shared a uniquely emotive connection of support for her injured husband.

Swapping retired nan six-inch stilettos for a feather-soft quill, Melania addressed her 'fellow Americans' successful an unfastened missive that painted a seldom considered image of Donald J. Trump arsenic a generous family man.

'When I watched that convulsive slug onslaught my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron's life, were connected nan brink of devastating change,' she wrote.

'A monster who recognized my hubby arsenic an inhuman governmental instrumentality attempted to ringing retired Donald's passion – his laughter, ingenuity, emotion of music, and inspiration.'

(Love of music? I'm guessing Lee Greenwood's 'God Bless nan USA.')

Then nan erstwhile first woman ended her statement pinch an elegant yet wide-eyed plea: 'Ascend supra nan hate, nan vitriol, and nan simple-minded ideas that ignite violence.'

Following nan bonzer events of Saturday evening, an assassination effort connected a erstwhile president, Melania Trump shared a uniquely emotive connection of support for her injured husband.

Swapping retired nan six-inch stilettos for a feather-soft quill, Melania addressed her 'fellow Americans' successful an unfastened missive that painted a seldom considered image of Donald J. Trump arsenic a generous family man.

Yeah, bully luck pinch that.

Trump hadn't moreover wiped nan humor from his mangled ear, earlier non-binary, jobless Gen-Zers were weeping complete his would-be assassin's mediocre aim.

'Oh my f****** God, why couldn't it person been 2 inches in, we would've ne'er had to perceive astir him again!' posted 1 imminently unemployable TikToker. Regardless, that video had earned astir 200,000 likes by Sunday morning.

From location nan insane bloodlust only dispersed from societal media to celebrated civilization and moreover nan halls of Congress.

Less than 12 hours removed from nan shooting, scary writer Stephen King thought it due to blasted nan victim.

'An AR-15 style semiautomatic firearm was utilized successful nan Butler shooting,' he tweeted. 'These are nan guns nan Republican statement – and Trump – want to protect.'

King believes that personification who wants to take sides 2nd Amendment authorities deserves to beryllium shot.

Who is nan vulnerable 1 now?

A Congressional staffer for Rep. Bennie Johnson, nan ranking Democrat connected nan House Homeland Security which oversees nan Secret Service, posted connected Facebook: 'I don't condone unit but please get you immoderate shooting lessons truthful you don't miss adjacent clip oops that wasn't maine talking.'

Johnson had nan consciousness to instantly terminate nan employment of his homicide-adjacent adjutant but that wasn't guaranteed.

A Congressional staffer for Rep. Bennie Johnson, nan ranking Democrat connected nan House Homeland Security which oversees nan Secret Service, posted connected Facebook: 'I don't condone unit but please get you immoderate shooting lessons truthful you don't miss adjacent clip oops that wasn't maine talking.'

It was Johnson who tried to portion Trump of each Secret Service protection successful nan weeks earlier nan attack. (Boy, that didn't property well.)

By 48 hours aft nan attack, immoderate consciousness of sympathy for Trump aliases nickname of what an assassination of a presumptive statement nominee successful nan mediate of an predetermination would person done to nan cloth of nan federation was wholly lost.

On Monday, CNN contributor and erstwhile Biden White House communications head Kate Bedingfield was urging Democrats to 'turn their fire' connected Trump.

Then, cue nan conspiracy theories!

On nan 2nd nighttime of nan Republican National Convention, MSNBC expert Michael Steele was questioning whether Trump was injured astatine all.

'It's been 3 days, going connected four, since this horrific arena occurred,' said Steele, '… and yet we've not received a aesculapian study from nan hospital, nor person we received a aesculapian study from nan campaign, aliases from nan Trump statement astir nan grade of nan harm to his ear.'

It's Ear-Gate.

If I were Trump, I would repair my lobe and surgically heighten it pinch a mediate digit arsenic a reminder to each those who forgot astir basal quality decency.

Nearly everyone has mislaid their gosh darn minds – everyone isolated from Melania Trump.

As first lady, she intentionally steered clear of nan governmental fray – keeping a debased floor plan connected nan run way and successful nan White House. According to her husband, she 'hates' governmental life – and what mean personification wouldn't.

It's rather a opposition pinch Dr. Jill Biden, who seems to revel successful nan nasty day-to-day fisticuffs.

'We will suffer each of our authorities [if Trump is elected],' she said connected ABC News' The View successful May. 'You person to judge him erstwhile he uses words for illustration dictator, bloodbath, 3rd term, violence,' she ranted hysterically.

How very inciteful of you, Jill. 

Of course, Melania's reluctance to get down and soiled successful nan partisan mud didn't insulate her from unhinged partisans.

They still seized connected each opportunity to knock her – whether it was complete Christmas decorations aliases perceived fractures successful her marriage. And nan astir vile among her critics moreover dispersed mendacious smears astir her son, Barron.

But that's nan reality of surviving successful America coming – and only nan naive would moreover entertain nan thought that nan hyperbolic governmental rhetoric that's fueling nan crazies and upending Thanksgiving meal tables everyplace tin beryllium flipped disconnected pinch a switch.

That eyes-bulging, vein-popping, banshee-screeching partisan ghost whitethorn ne'er beryllium shoved backmost into nan bottle.

However, if location is anyone successful nan nationalist coming who has immoderate business saying that it should – it is our Slovenian-born, ex-supermodel, erstwhile first lady.

I, for one, americium looking guardant to a imaginable Melania runaway quality astatine nan RNC connected Thursday nighttime – because if she speaks, it will beryllium 1 of nan only sane voices I've heard successful immoderate time.

Source dailymail