Daughter's chilling 911 call reveals how she saved mom from murder-for-hire plot masterminded by her millionaire Miami developer father

Trending 2 months ago

A chilling 911 telephone has revealed really a girl managed to foil her millionaire dad's alleged murder-for-hire crippled against her mom.

Alessandra Pino tin beryllium heard begging constabulary to travel to her mom's location successful Pinecrest, Florida aft she discovered a masked gunman connected nan property.

Prosecutors judge nan man had been sent by her begetter Sergio Pino to termination his estranged woman Tatiana, nan Miami Herald reports.

'Please personification pinch a weapon is here,' a frantic Alessandra, 26, tin beryllium heard telling nan 911 operator. 'He conscionable pointed a weapon astatine me, they're still here.'

As she struggles to drawback her breath, nan usability asks for much specifications astir nan incident, which took spot connected June 23.

A chilling 911 telephone has revealed really Alessandra Pino  (right) managed to foil her millionaire dad's alleged murder-for-hire crippled against her mom Tatiana Pino (left)

'I request to show my mom not to travel home,' she adds. 'They mightiness beryllium looking for her. She's a victim. I perceive a car tin I telephone my mom please?'

The usability orders her to enactment connected nan line, earlier Alessandra notices her mom is home.

'My mom is here, they mightiness person assaulted her, ohio my god,' She weeps. 'My mom is present they mightiness person changeable her. Why are they [the police] not present yet?' 

As nan telephone ends she realizes nan gunman has fled and rushes to her mom's aid. 

Alessandra's fears person been substantiated successful nan aftermath of nan incident, aft prosecutors revealed they judge her begetter orchestrated nan attempted murder.

Court documents show that Tatiana narrowly escaped decease aft she arrived location earlier her girl and was greeted by alleged gunman Vernon Green, 53, who has since been charged.

She managed to driver her SUV into nan backyard pinch nan horn sounding large capable that Alessandra came extracurricular to spot what was happening.

From there, nan concerned girl managed to telephone 911 and get constabulary connected nan scene.

Tatiana Pino, 55, revenge for divorcement against her able spot developer husband Sergio Pino, 67, successful April 2022 and he responded by trying to termination her, prosecutors allege

Sergio took his ain life wrong his $7.9 cardinal marina-side location successful Coral Gables, Miami, past week arsenic FBI agents swarmed his spot complete nan murder-for-hire allegations

It came conscionable a twelvemonth aft personification rammed a rented motortruck into Tatiana's car connected nan aforesaid driveway - an incident nan family judge Sergio was besides behind.

The mates had been successful nan midst of an acrimonious divorce, pinch filings showing Tatiana believed her erstwhile person was attempting to termination her.

Sergio, 67, took his ain life wrong his $7.9million marina-side location successful Coral Gables, Miami, connected earlier this period arsenic FBI agents raided his mansion successful relationship pinch nan allegations.

The SWAT squad was location to apprehension him for paying assassins to kill Tatiana, 55, during their bitter divorcement battle, but he wouldn't fto them return him alive.

Nine different group were arrested aft allegedly accepting contracts for arsenic overmuch arsenic $300,000 to murder Tatiana and make judge Sergio couldn't beryllium blamed.

Markenzy Lapointe, US Attorney for nan Southern District of Florida, elaborate nan murder-for-hire crippled aft Pino's suicide.

'This lawsuit is astir a husband, Mr Pino, who decided aft years of matrimony that he was going to termination his wife,' he said. 

Pino took his ain life wrong his $7.9 cardinal marina-side location successful Coral Gables, Miami, connected Tuesday arsenic national agents closed in 

A aesculapian examiner's van is seen astatine nan beforehand of nan location aft nan raid

Prior to the  murder-for-hire crippled Sergio had been trying to poison his woman pinch fentanyl, according to divorcement proceedings

Sergio's efforts began aft Tatiana revenge for divorcement successful April 2022 aft 30 years of marriage. The mates stock 2 daughters, Alessandra and Carolina Pino.

Prior to nan hitman plot, he had tried to slow and covertly poison her with fentanyl complete months, arsenic revealed during their divorcement proceedings later successful 2022.

Court documents uncover that Tatiana was successful and retired of infirmary pinch doctors baffled by her condition, which improved erstwhile she moved distant from her husband. 

'When that failed, he put retired a statement connected her caput connected 2 abstracted occasions, hiring abstracted groups of hitmen to do nan job,' Lapointe said.

Lapointe explained nan first execution unit Sergio hired allegedly included Bayron Bennett, who was a part-time nutrient and portion server connected his yacht 'Century Star', and 3 others - Micahael Dulfo, Edner Etienne and Jerren Howard.

They were charged successful relationship pinch arson and hit-and-run attempts on Tatiana and her sister, which were revealed aft an earlier FBI ambush connected June 24.

The hitmen allegedly burned 3 cars extracurricular her sister's home, and tried to tally her down successful a rented Home Depot flatbed truck.

Pino later hired a 2nd crew, allegedly including Diori Barnard, Clementa Johnson, Vernon Green, Avery Bivins, and Fausto Villar.

Prosecutors opportunity Sergio orchestrated 2 grounded hits connected his estranged wife 

The first alleged execution crew, consisting of Edner Etienne, Jerren Howard, and Michael Dulfo, on pinch its leader Bayron Bennett

He promised them $150,000 to transportation retired nan deed earlier nan adjacent divorcement hearing, and double if nan execution couldn't beryllium traced backmost to him, charging documents alleged.

Sergio was nan the president of Century Homebuilders Group, billed arsenic nan largest Hispanic-owned homebuilder successful nan nation.

He was worth $153 million, according to divorcement documents, but location were arguments astir really overmuch money he really had.

One filing put their mixed wealthiness astatine $359 million, but Pino said he invented that fig arsenic 'a joke' utilizing 'made up' numbers, and nan $153 cardinal was accurate.

Source dailymail