Dark matter experiments get a first peek at the ‘neutrino fog’ 

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Known arsenic nan “neutrino fog,” nan signature suggests a caller measurement of studying nan difficult-to-detect subatomic particles. But it besides points toward nan opening of nan extremity for acheronian matter detectors of this type, which purpose to spot nan unidentified monolithic particles that bulk up nan cosmos. As these detectors go much capable, nan neutrino fog could obscure imaginable signs of acheronian matter.

The XENONnT (pronounced “xenon n-ton”) experiment, astatine nan Gran Sasso National Laboratory successful Italy, saw signs of neutrinos that had been produced successful nan sun, physicists reported July 10 astatine nan International Workshop connected nan Identification of Dark Matter successful L’Aquila, Italy. And the PandaX-4T experiment, astatine nan China Jinping Underground Laboratory in Liangshan, saw akin evidence, researchers reported astatine nan workshop July 8 and in a insubstantial submitted July 15 to arXiv.org.

The consequence “opens [a] caller doorway of utilizing our detectors to study neutrinos and searching for associated caller physics phenomena,” says physicist Ning Zhou of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a PandaX lawman spokesperson.

In nan atomic fusion processes that powerfulness nan sun, multitudes of neutrinos are produced successful a assortment of different reactions (SN: 9/1/14). Some of nan astir energetic travel from nan radioactive decay of boron-8, a type of boron created during nan fusion process. Scientists had agelong predicted that those neutrinos are prevalent enough, and person nan due energies, to beryllium seen successful acheronian matter detectors. That’s what nan 2 acheronian matter detectors person found.

Each research houses respective metric tons of liquid xenon. If a acheronian matter particle crashes into nan nucleus of a xenon atom, nan experiments tin observe that nucleus recoiling successful response, revealing acheronian matter’s presence. But neutrinos tin besides slam into atomic nuclei, causing akin recoils.

This type of interaction, successful which a neutrino knocks into an full atomic nucleus alternatively than an individual proton aliases neutron, was first seen successful 2017 in nan COHERENT experiment, utilizing neutrinos from a laboratory root (SN: 8/3/17). The 2 caller experiments people nan first signs of nucleus-thwacking by neutrinos from nan sun. Scientists antecedently detected star neutrinos by different means (SN: 6/24/20). 

In nan future, detecting star neutrinos via nan nuclei they sound astir could thief physicists understand nan particles better. For example, scientists could study nan neutrino awesome to look for what detectors mightiness beryllium missing: hypothetical “sterile” neutrinos that wouldn’t interact pinch matter astatine all, speech from gravitational forces (SN: 10/27/21). Dark matter detectors mightiness besides spot neutrinos from different sources, specified arsenic adjacent exploding stars.

“It’s very cool to spot that we tin move this detector into a neutrino observatory,” says physicist Michael Murra of Columbia University, a personnel of nan XENONnT collaboration.

Neutrinos aren’t yet limiting nan capacity of acheronian matter detectors. The star neutrino awesome would obscure only low-mass acheronian matter particles, which autumn beneath nan wide scope that these detectors scrutinize astir cautiously for acheronian matter. There’s still a agelong measurement to spell earlier neutrinos commencement to swamp acheronian matter discovery of higher masses. 

The adjacent procreation of acheronian matter detector, beyond XENONnT and PandaX-4T, should still beryllium capable to hunt for acheronian matter. But further betterment will commencement to go difficult. Instead, scientists could move to detectors that measurement nan guidance of nan incoming particles. That would let researchers to look for acheronian interactions originating distant from nan sun, eliminating star neutrinos from their data.

Source sciencenews