Could Paris 2024 Usher in a New Era for the Olympics?

Trending 2 months ago

Overnight, France’s high-speed obstruction web was struck by a bid of coordinated arson attacks on lines connecting Paris pinch different awesome cities. The attacks person near hundreds of thousands of group stranded connected nan eve of nan Opening Ceremony for nan Summer Olympic Games successful Paris. No group has yet claimed responsibility. (Reuters)

Our Take

The attacks and nan information spread they exposed will only adhd hostility to what is an already tense ambiance heading into nan Paris Olympics. That’s existent not only for spectators and Paris residents, who stay concerned astir information astatine nan Games, but besides for nan organizers, who person a batch riding connected these Games being a success, possibly much truthful than immoderate different caller Olympics. 

Seven years ago, erstwhile Paris was chosen arsenic a big city, nan Games were meant to fresh neatly into French President Emmanuel Macron’s soft powerfulness ambitions for nan country, arsenic Jakob Cansler wrote successful April. After parliamentary elections earlier this month, though, Macron is now effectively a lame-duck president successful a state connected people for governmental paralysis, thing nan run-up to nan Games has only spotlighted.

Still, moreover if nan stakes are nary longer arsenic precocious for Macron—he has thing near to suffer and small to summation from them—they are still precocious for nan International Olympic Committee. Over nan past decade, a communicative has emerged that nan burdens of hosting nan Games outweigh nan benefits. Budgets person ballooned. Local citizens person been mistreated, peculiarly successful low-income neighborhoods. And stadiums built for nan sole intent of nan Olympics person been near down to deteriorate.

In response, nan Olympics were forced to alteration their big bidding process to make it little competitive. Cities are nary longer convincing nan IOC to fto them host, but vice versa. As a result, starting pinch Paris, nan adjacent six editions of nan Olympic Games—summer and winter—will beryllium hosted successful Western countries, pinch nan U.S. and France each hosting twice. That follows a decade successful which only non-Western countries hosted.

That’s a problem for nan IOC, which sees itself arsenic a global, unifying organization. That’s why it desperately needs nan Paris Olympics to service arsenic a blueprint for a caller era of nan Games, 1 that tin still present nan spectacle of erstwhile editions but without nan supersized budgets, nan excessive load connected section citizens and nan “white elephant” stadiums.

Paris 2024 could very good deliver. As Cansler wrote:

According to [the Games’ organizers], Paris 2024 will extremity up costing overmuch little than erstwhile affairs and beryllium paid for mostly by backstage financing. The Games will make little than half nan greenhouse state emissions of caller Olympics. And nary achromatic elephants will beryllium near behind, pinch nan events taking spot almost exclusively successful existing infrastructure and impermanent venues. If successful, Paris 2024 could reset nan communicative astir hosting duties.

But location person already been immoderate problems, too. French authorities person been criticized for bussing bum group and migrants retired of nan metropolis halfway for nan long of nan games. Security precautions and carrier issues will besides make regular life overmuch much tedious for Parisians.

The arson onslaught overnight will only adhd to nan chaos and nan disapproval of French authorities, not to mention nan communicative that hosting is still simply not worthy it.

India and China agreed yesterday to activity toward disengaging troops from nan 2 countries’ disputed separator successful nan Himalayan region. Tens of thousands of troops stay stationed on nan border, wherever clashes successful 2020 killed dozens of soldiers and led to a deterioration of bilateral ties.

Since 2020, negotiations to resoluteness nan conflict person made slow progress, while separator patrols and infrastructure improvement has intensified connected some sides of nan border. As Stuti Bhatnagar wrote successful February, nan standoff and its effect connected relations pinch China remains 1 of nan cardinal overseas argumentation challenges that Indian PM Narendra Modi has been incapable to resolve.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Greece has formally approved an connection to bargain 20 F-35 fifth-generation combatant jets from nan United States, authorities officials said yesterday.

Greece is successful nan midst of a decade-long overhaul of its military, a consequence to what Athens views arsenic an progressively unstable Eastern Mediterranean region. As Aristotle Tziampiris wrote successful 2021, 1 of nan pillars of Greece’s caller nationalist information strategy is pursuing person subject and negotiated ties pinch Washington.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa appointed Mandisa Maya arsenic nan adjacent main justness of nan country’s highest court, making her nan first female to capable nan role.

As Hilary Matfess wrote successful June, reducing nan gender spread successful governmental activity is simply a worthy goal. But assumptions that women successful authorities will inherently beryllium dedicated and effective representatives for women’s issues remainder connected shaky empirical ground.

U.S. VP Kamala Harris met pinch Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday successful Washington, wherever she offered continued U.S. support but was stern successful her comments astir nan devastation nan Israel-Hamas warfare has unleashed connected Palestinian civilians successful Gaza. Since becoming nan presumptive Democratic nominee for November’s statesmanlike election, Harris’ views connected Israel are abruptly nether nan microscope, arsenic Frida Ghitis wrote yesterday.

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Source worldpoliticsreview