Cops foil ISIS terror plot in advance stages and arrest Canadian father and son who planned 'mass casualty attack' and filmed themselves holding weapons in front of the jihadist flag

Trending 2 months ago

Canadian cops raided a edifice room this week to apprehension a begetter and boy who were successful conscionable hours distant from carrying retired a wide casualty event.

The duo had gone truthful acold arsenic to grounds a video showing them brandishing their weapons successful beforehand of an ISIS emblem while explaining their intended actions. 

The family members were named arsenic Canadian citizens Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi, 62, Mostafa Eldidi, 26, were allegedly equipped pinch an axe and a machete successful nan video. They were arrested connected July 25.

Police opportunity that their target was an unspecified location successful Toronto. The edifice wherever they were taken into custody is located conscionable 30 minutes thrust from nan downtown area. 

They are each facing six ISIS-related coercion offenses, including possessing weapons for nan use of nan Sunni-terror organization. 

This screenshot from a surveillance camera shows heavy equipped Canadian constabulary raiding nan location that nan 2 suspects shared successful a quiet Toronto suburb 

Neighbors were shocked to study of nan pair's engagement pinch coercion and were awoken to nan sound of flash grenades going disconnected successful nan early hours of Sunday 

Just this week, Canadian national Khalid Hussein, 29, was recovered blameworthy successful England of being a personnel of Al-Muhajiroun, a violent group, and sentenced to 5 years successful prison. He stood proceedings alongside dislike preacher Anjem Choudary, who was sentenced to 29 years successful prison.  

Ahmed is besides charged pinch aggravated battle that resulted from an ISIS video he is accused of appearing successful that was changeable successful a different state successful 2015, reports Global News. 

The web reports that nan video from a decade agone shows Ahmed, clad successful a achromatic clothes pinch his look visible, hacking astatine an ISIS captive successful an orangish jumpsuit pinch a beard arsenic nan unfortunate was suspended connected a pole. 

The video was changeable successful a godforsaken and distributed by 1 of nan ISIS media arms, Al-Raud Media. 

The relationship betwixt Ahmed and that video was made done nan Royal Canadian Mounted Police's Integrated National Security Enforcement Team.  

Meanwhile officials successful Canada person said that location is nary outstanding threat arsenic a consequence of Ahmed and Mostafa's intended actions, indicating investigators do not judge that they were portion of a larger cell. 

Officials did not opportunity if nan duo were moving pinch different ISIS operatives successful different countries.  

Despite decimated successful their erstwhile strongholds successful Iraq and Syria, officials person agelong maintained that ISIS activists are still progressive worldwide 

Just this week, Canadian national Khaled Hussein was sentenced to 5 years successful situation successful nan UK for his rank of Al-Muhajiroun, a violent group 

'As you know, they were charged pinch having peculiar weapons. In different words, we're beautiful assured really adjacent they were to moving from simply having those devices and past moving connected to actioning that threat,' RCMP Supt. James Parr said.

The begetter and boy lived together successful nan eastbound Toronto suburb of Scarborough. 

The location was besides raided connected Sunday night, reports The Toronto Star. Neighbors told nan newspaper that they were awoken to a sound akin to a 'car crash' which is thought to person been a stun grenade. 

Surveillance video from nan area showed officers pinch battle rifles raiding nan home. Later, an ambulance arrived to return a female from nan home. 

'I don't consciousness safe astatine each to cognize that personification successful my backyard was (arrested for terrorism),' a neighbour told The Star while adding that they hadn't seen nan family that overmuch this year. 

Another neighbour echoed that sentiment. 

'I consciousness uneasy, I consciousness very disappointed that this happened... This thoroughfare is very quiet, it's very secluded. Any unusual car comes here, and we know,' Hema Ramperasad said. 

The neighbors said that they had antecedently complained to nan family astir nan magnitude of cameras group up successful their backyard that appeared to beryllium focused connected nan surrounding homes.  

The suspects were chartless to constabulary anterior to this incident. Officials person not said what prompted an investigation into nan pair. 

Nearly 40 members of ISIS person been charged pinch various crimes successful Canada since nan group was established successful nan borderlands betwixt Syria and Iraq successful 2014. Around 20 of those person been convicted, different 14 are awaiting trial. 

Ahmed and Mostafa will make their first tribunal quality connected Thursday.   

A decade aft nan Islamic State militant group declared its caliphate successful ample parts of Iraq and Syria, nan extremists nary longer power immoderate land, person mislaid galore salient leaders and are mostly retired of nan world news headlines.

Still, nan group continues to enlistee members and declare work for deadly attacks astir nan world, including lethal operations successful Iran and Russia earlier this twelvemonth that near scores dead.

Its sleeper cells successful Syria and Iraq still transportation retired attacks against authorities forces successful some countries arsenic good arsenic U.S.-backed Syrian fighters, astatine a clip erstwhile Iraq's authorities is negotiating pinch Washington complete a imaginable withdrawal of U.S. troops.

The group that erstwhile attracted tens of thousands of fighters and supporters from astir nan world to travel to Syria and Iraq, and astatine its highest ruled an area half nan size of nan United Kingdom was notorious for its brutality. 

It beheaded civilians, slaughtered 1,700 captured Iraqi soldiers successful a short period, and enslaved and raped thousands of women from nan Yazidi community, 1 of Iraq's oldest belief minorities.

'Daesh remains a threat to world security,' U.S. Army Maj. Gen. J.B. Vowell, nan commanding wide of Combined Joint Task Force — Operation Inherent Resolve, said earlier this month. 

'We support our strength and resoluteness to combat and destruct immoderate remnants of groups that stock Daesh ideology,' he added. 

Source dailymail