Connecticut man is seriously-ill in hospital after trying to rescue VERY dangerous animal he spotted lying in the middle of the road

Trending 2 months ago
  • Joey Ricciardella tried to prevention nan animal from nan engaged road 

By Melissa Koenig For Dailymail.Com

Published: 18:00 EDT, 30 July 2024 | Updated: 18:34 EDT, 30 July 2024

A Connecticut man has fallen seriously-ill aft he tried to rescue a very vulnerable animal from nan mediate of a engaged road.

Joey Ricciardella, of Torrington, was connected his measurement location from dropping his four-year-old girl disconnected pinch her mother successful New York connected Sunday erstwhile he came crossed a Timber rattlesnake lying successful nan mediate of nan road.

Ricciardella, an animal lover, stopped his conveyance and grabbed a garment from nan backseat, placed it complete nan snake's caput and picked it up to move it, WFSB reports. 

That is erstwhile nan venomous snake spot his hand.

Joey Ricciardella, of Torrington, was connected his measurement location from dropping his four-year-old girl disconnected pinch her mother successful New York connected Sunday erstwhile he came crossed a Timber rattlesnake lying successful nan mediate of nan road

'It sounded for illustration he was almost trying to make a funny voice, for illustration astatine first I thought he was messing pinch me,' Brittany Hilmeyer, nan mother of his four-year-old, said of her speech pinch him successful nan aftermath.

She explained that she is utilized to Ricciardella being a jokester, but soon realized thing was earnestly wrong.

'He was getting to nan constituent wherever he really couldn't talk. You couldn't understand him,' she said. 

'It was for illustration trying to talk to personification pinch a rima afloat of marbles.' 

Hilmeyer did not cognize astatine nan time, but nan venom from nan snake wound was affecting his expertise to breathe.

She added that she was not amazed erstwhile she later recovered out Ricciardella went retired of his measurement to thief nan snake.

'He's had a bat successful his location pinch a surgery helping astatine 1 constituent that he was trying to fix,' she recounted.

'Last week, it was a babe bunny.' 

The venomous snake spot his hand, causing him to person problem breathing

Ricciardella tried wrapping nan snake's caput successful a garment from his car and tried to move it retired of nan measurement of nan engaged street

Fortunately, Ricciardella was capable to make it backmost to his car and drove himself to nan nearest infirmary - wherever doctors wished that his respiratory strategy was failing and he went into cardiac arrest.

But owed to a short proviso of anti-venom astatine nan Charlotte Hungerford Hospital successful Torrington, he had to beryllium moved to Hartford Hospital successful nan authorities capital.

'A batch of hospitals, I conjecture it's not communal to transportation ample amounts of anti-venom,' Hilmeyer said. 

'So that was portion of nan problem erstwhile he went to nan first hospital. The 2nd infirmary was having much flown in.'

Ricciardella is an animal person who erstwhile tried to thief a bat pinch a surgery wing

There are only 2 venomous snakes that unrecorded successful Connecticut: nan Northern Copperhead and nan Timber rattlesnake, whose bites could beryllium fatal.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection recommends that anyone who encounters either species, observe it from a region and backmost distant slowly. 

But Ricciardella was lucky, and is said to beryllium doing good successful nan infirmary aft suffering from not only nan venom, but besides a life-threatening allergic guidance that caused him to beryllium placed successful a medically induced coma, according to an online fundraiser group up to salary for his aesculapian bills. 

'There person been improvements, but nan medical  bills are piling up and he has nary security arsenic he's self-employed arsenic a landscaper,' nan fundraiser says, noting that he has 4 children - 3 of whom are nether nan property of 16.

Ricciardella is now expected to retrieve successful nan Intensive Care Unit for astatine slightest different week.

'They're waiting for nan swelling to spell down,' Hilmeyer said. 'Then he won't beryllium sedated truthful heavy anymore.

'That's erstwhile he'll beryllium capable to talk.' 

Source dailymail