Chilling new details reveal how calculated neurologist, 42, 'kidnapped newborn baby from mother's bedside in hospital'

Trending 2 months ago

Authorities person identified nan alleged kidnapper of a newborn woman arsenic a registered neurologist, who is besides a professor astatine 2 universities successful Brazil.

Dr. Claudia Alves, 42, was arrested astatine her location Wednesday greeting successful Itambura, Goiás, aft she allegedly duped a family into stealing their baby, earlier stuffing her into a backpack and escaping nan infirmary successful nan mediate of nan night. 

The newborn babe was reunited pinch her parents astatine a infirmary later successful nan day.

Alves managed to abduct nan babe conscionable 3 hours aft she was calved erstwhile she walked into nan parents' room astatine Uberlândia Federal University Hospital Clinic and identified herself arsenic a pediatrician who was location to provender their daughter, it's alleged.

The expert was seen connected a infirmary surveillance camera carrying nan babe – who was covered successful a broad – and past returning to her car earlier she drove 83 miles to her residence successful Itambura.

Dr. Claudia Alves, a registered neurologist and assemblage professor, was arrested Wednesday greeting for nan abduction of a newborn girl, a small complete 3 hours aft she was calved astatine a infirmary successful nan southeastern Brazil authorities of Minas Gerais connected Tuesday night 

Authorities recovered diapers and different accessories that Dr. Claudia Alves had hidden successful nan trunk of her car aft she was arrested astatine her location Wednesday greeting and recovered nan newborn babe she abducted from nan infirmary successful bully health

Dr. Claudia Alves was seen connected a surveillance camera carrying nan newborn woman she took from her parents' room earlier fleeing successful a car. Alves, according to nan baby's father, mentioned that she was going to provender her beverage aft telling nan mother that she didn't person beverage to breastfeed her 

According to O Tempo newspaper, Alves near nan babe astatine her location pinch her maid. A constabulary portion took nan babe to a section aesculapian installation while different remained adjacent nan residence and arrested Alves erstwhile she returned.  

Isabella Inácio told Metrópoles news that nan babe has a bosom information and will beryllium requiring typical care. 

Uberlândia Civil Police main Marcos Brandão said nan babe is successful bully health. 

'She underwent tests and is fine. There is nary motion of mistreatment,' Brandão said, arsenic quoted by Brazilian news outlet G1. 

Goiás Civil Police said Alves confessed to arresting officers that she was sick and that she was connected medication.

However, Civil Police main Anderson Pelágio told TV Anhanguera that they doubted her claims because Alves had antecedently purchased clothing and accessories for nan babe anterior to nan kidnapping.

New specifications person revealed that Alves' car was filled pinch babe items - including pinkish clothing and changing bags filled pinch diapers. 

Uberlândia Civil Police chief, Marcos Brandão, FM O Tempo 91.7 power that investigators learned of Alves' whereabouts aft camera snapped her photograph aft she grounded to salary astatine a road toll booth.

Inside her home, she besides had a pinkish babe bath, a stroller, a babe car seat, arsenic good arsenic look to provender a newborn babe and pinkish Disney toys. 

'She bought respective items for nan baby, specified arsenic diapers and a stroller, which suggests that she planned nan events,' nan constabulary said. 'She did not show immoderate information aliases whether she was going to support nan baby, registry it successful her sanction aliases springiness it to a 3rd party.' 

Alves was charged pinch kidnapping and faces up to 8 years successful situation if she is recovered guilty, because nan unfortunate is nether nan property of 18. 

Police said nan newborn is successful bully wellness and 'doing fine' aft she was located Wednesday morning

Surveillance video showed nan fishy stepping retired of a reddish conveyance astatine 11:18 p.m. wearing a laboratory coat, cap, look mask, gloves and yellowish backpack arsenic she walked towards nan session connected Tuesday.

At 11:46 pm, nan female was spotted stepping adjacent to a infirmary worker pinch nan babe stuffed successful nan backpack.

Nine minutes passed earlier information cameras showed her stepping towards nan car pinch nan babe successful 1 of her hands earlier speeding away.

The baby's father, Édson Ferreira, antecedently told nan position that Alves went to their room wherever his girl and his woman were recovering pursuing nan 8 p.m. transportation by cesarean section.

Along pinch nan information guards, they were 'fooled' by nan woman's behaviour during nan 5 minutes she spent successful nan room. 

Brazilian authorities judge that Dr. Claudia Alves had planned to kidnap a babe from a infirmary aft they discovered diapers, a stroller and different babe accessories from nan trunk of her car

He recalled Alves rubbing his wife's breasts to cheque if she would beryllium capable to breastfeed her and past told her that she would beryllium taking nan woman to provender her milk.

'It's a alleviation conscionable to spot my girl again,' Ferreira said. 'There's nary value I tin pay. May justness beryllium served, whitethorn this female really beryllium arrested and this ne'er hap to anyone else.'

On her societal media networks, Alves states that she had been school part-time astatine Uberlândia Federal University since May. 

She besides listed that has been a full-time professor astatine Goiás State University Faculty of Medicine since 2019.

Dr. Claudia Alves was arrested Wednesday for nan kidnapping of a newborn babe astatine a infirmary in Uberlândia, Brazil. Alves is besides a professor astatine 2 universities 

Dr. Claudia Alves was seen connected a information camera carrying nan newborn woman to her car

She claimed to person obtained her medicine grade from nan Uberlândia Federal University astatine Triângulo Mineiro successful 2004 and that she did her residency successful objective medicine astatine nan schoolhouse successful 2007. 

Later successful 2011, Alves completed her neurology residence astatine nan aforesaid university.

'Medicine is simply a rollercoaster of emotions! It has its ups and downs, its challenges and its victories, but 1 point is certain: I emotion what I do,' She wrote connected her profile.

Uberlândia Federal University Hospital Clinic is investigating nan incident. 

Source dailymail