Bullies filmed stomping boy, 17, to death are handed outrageously-lenient plea deal, leaving victim's mother distraught

Trending 2 months ago

A grieving Las Vegas mother has been near 'dumbfounded and successful shock' aft 4 bullies who were caught connected camera beating her boy to decease accepted plea deals. 

Melissa Ready mislaid her boy Jonathan Lewis, 17, aft he was attacked by a group of teens and stomped to nan constituent of unconsciousness, earlier dying a week later.

Dontral Beaver, 16, Damian Hernandez, 18, Treavion Randolph, 16, and Gianni Robinson all stood accused of his execution aft being charged arsenic adults successful January. 

On Thursday, it was announced that they each accepted a plea woody that will let them to plead blameworthy arsenic juveniles to manslaughter.

That lawsuit would return spot successful a juvenile court, pinch nan 4 facing an undetermined magnitude of imprisonment successful a juvenile detention center.

Should immoderate of nan teens backmost retired of nan deal, past each 4 would again beryllium charged successful big court, Chief Deputy District Attorney John Giordani said.

Speaking pinch 8newsnow, Ready said of her disgust aft nan plea woody was announced, saying nan 4 should beryllium tried arsenic adults. 

Jonathan Lewis, 17, died successful nan infirmary days aft he was viciously attacked by a group of astir 15 different teenagers connected November 1 

Hernandez, apical left, Randolph, apical right, Beaver, bottommost left, and Robinson, bottommost right, person each accepted a plea deal 

Ready told nan outlet: 'You cannot jump successful a quality being's head, stomp connected him, and deliberation that they're going to stay live after.

'They knew he was going to die, and that's really I consciousness – and they're letting them get distant pinch murder.

'I was told that they were going to plea blameworthy to execution and that nan astir they would get successful nan big strategy is 2 years.

'I would've disagreed pinch nan woody entirely. They should beryllium accountable arsenic adults – they made an big choice.'

She besides added that nan move by prosecutors had near her some 'dumbfounded' and 'in shock'. 

Lewis's fatal battle took spot extracurricular Rancho High School successful Las Vegas connected November 1 of past year. 

Videos of nan onslaught show a group of teens hitting, kicking and stomping Lewis to nan constituent of unconsciousness, which caused his decease a week later. 

Out of nan 9 teens arrested, 4 others, including a 13-year-old boy, person pleaded blameworthy successful juvenile tribunal to voluntary manslaughter.

Authorities successful Vegas person said nan students agreed to meet successful nan alley to conflict complete a vape pen and wireless headphones that had been stolen from Lewis' friend. 

Lewis was hospitalized pinch terrible caput trauma and different injuries and died a week later 

Lewis is seen present being stomped connected by nan group arsenic he attempts to take sides himself from nan assault, earlier being knocked unconscious

Footage obtained by 8 News Now shows Lewis being carried to information by a student and neighbour backmost to nan precocious schoolhouse aft nan ferocious attack

Footage obtained by 8 News Now shows Lewis being carried to information by a student and neighbour backmost to nan precocious schoolhouse aft nan ferocious attack.

Defense lawyer Robert Draskovich, representing Robinson, called nan conflict a tragedy, but said convicting nan 4 arsenic adults would person been a 2nd tragedy.

On Thursday, he said: 'This speech enables my customer to postgraduate precocious school, move connected pinch his life and go a productive citizen.'

Draskovich said he would inquire astatine sentencing for Robinson to beryllium released from custody pinch in installments for clip already served. 

Flowers were near astatine nan segment past November pinch a poignant connection connected 1 bouquet reading: 'You are a hero!!!'

In a statement, Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson acknowledged Lewi's mother's comments and 'the symptom she is going done arsenic she mourns her son'. 

It added that she had been informed past week astir nan position of nan negotiations earlier defending nan solution of nan case.

The connection said juvenile tribunal is 'best equipped to punish nan defendants for their heinous conduct' while besides offering rehabilitation.

In Nevada, a teen facing a execution complaint can beryllium charged arsenic an adult if they were 13 aliases older erstwhile nan crime occurred.   

Source dailymail