Boyfriend accused of waterboarding and raping his new girlfriend while holding her prisoner in her dorm for three days agrees to plea deal

Trending 3 months ago

A man who was accused of raping, beating and waterboarding his woman at a Minnesota assemblage has reached a plea woody that will spot him jailed for up to seven-and-a-half years.

Keanu Avery Labatte, 20, of Granite Falls, Minnesota, has pleaded blameworthy to an amended complaint of second-degree criminal intersexual conduct. 

Labatte admitted to choking and sexually assaulting nan woman, who was his caller girlfriend, successful her dorm room astatine St. Catherine University past September. 

In return, prosecutors agreed to disregard 4 different charges.

Labatte's attorney, Thomas Beito, said Labatte admitted to choking her during nan assault.

Keanu Labatte, 20, accused of holding his woman captive successful her dorm room astatine St. Catherine University for 3 days while raping, beating and waterboarding her, has agreed to a plea woody that will spot him sentenced for up to 7½ years

'He did not admit to nan different benignant of salacious specifications that were progressive here, specified arsenic waterboarding, aliases holding her hostage aliases kidnapping,' Beito said to The Pioneer Press. 'We contradict that immoderate of that happened.'

Labatte remains free connected an $80,000 enslaved up of his sentencing successful November.

Beito said he will inquire Judge Kellie Charles for probation, 'due to his age, owed to nan truth that he doesn't person immoderate anterior important criminal history.'

Dennis Gerhardstein, spokesperson for nan Ramsey County Attorney's Office, said prosecutors will inquire nan judge to springiness Labatte nan afloat seven-and-a-half twelvemonth term.

According to nan complaint, Labatte went to nan field connected a Thursday to sojourn his woman of 2 months. 

After uncovering texts, pictures and societal media contented that 'infuriated' him, he took her telephone and began his run of brutality, nan title said. 

It is unclear what he saw connected her telephone that ignited nan rage, but nan criminal title says he utilized some hands astir her cervix to strangle her and threatened to termination her while calling her a s**t.

St. Catherine University's baccalaureate College for Women is 1 of nan largest backstage women’s universities successful nan nation

She says she felt lightheaded and saw stars while being strangled. 

Labatte threatened to termination her family and reminded her that he had antecedently held a weapon to nan pharynx of a anterior girlfriend.

She was strangled, threatened pinch a knife, forced to dishonesty successful a bathtub while Labatte covered her look pinch a washcloth and poured h2o connected her, and sexually assaulted her, nan title alleged. 

The St. Catherine's student said she was truthful terrified to nan constituent that she would laic adjacent to her captor and not move retired of fearfulness of what he would do next.

She says nan worst of nan torture was connected nan Saturday erstwhile nan waterboarding took place. 

Labatte filled a bucket, forced her to laic successful nan bathtub wherever he put a washcloth connected her look and poured h2o complete her.

That aforesaid day, erstwhile threatening her pinch nan knife, he held her limb and said he was looking for nan correct vein to trim heavy capable truthful she could not beryllium saved.

It wasn't until 3 days later, connected Sunday morning, she persuaded him to fto her time off to get nutrient from nan cafeteria. 

He gave nan unfortunate her telephone and told her she had to nonstop pictures of wherever she was truthful that he could support way of her. 

Once retired of nan dorm, she went to university's field information agency and told them she had been physically and sexually abused by her boyfriend. 

Campus information past called nan police. Officers noticed marks connected her neck, nan title said. 

While speaking pinch police, Labatte called nan unfortunate many times and she explained to authorities that he was paranoid she was distant from nan dorm and fresh to time off campus.

Labatte was recovered successful nan dorm room and arrested. After being publication his rights, Labatte said 'I plead nan fifth.' 

During a hunt of nan room, constabulary recovered an orange/black/silver folding weapon successful nan beforehand pouch of a greenish backpack and a bedewed reddish washcloth.

The mattress was recovered connected nan floor, which nan unfortunate says Labatte moved to forestall others from proceeding nan furniture squeak during nan intersexual assaults.

Source dailymail