Biden's most embarrassing gaffes: Ten of the president's worst moments as he drops out of 2024 race

Trending 2 months ago

Joe Biden has dropped retired of nan 2024 statesmanlike title after years of embarrassing gaffes look to person yet caught up pinch him.

Just days anterior to his announcement, nan 81-year-old Democrat made a bid of verbal blunders, specified arsenic confusing Vice President Kamala Harris pinch Donald Trump and awkwardly referring to his defense caput arsenic 'that achromatic man' erstwhile he forgot his name.

His history of cringey mishaps includes everything from bumping into flagpoles and falling disconnected bikes to calling group nan incorrect names and moreover neglecting to shingle hands pinch overseas officials.

Here are immoderate of nan apical 10 astir embarrassing gaffes of his presidency:

1.  Biden calls Zelensky 'President Putin'

President Joe Biden introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arsenic 'President Putin ' successful a sadistic gaffe astatine nan NATO acme pinch his governmental early hanging by a thread.

The ailing 81-year-old was facing mounting calls to driblet retired of nan statesmanlike title erstwhile he said: 'Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin.'

The embarrassing flub successful beforehand of world leaders sparked gasps and those successful nan room had to outcry nan correct name.

'No, we're going to hit Putin,' Biden said, and blamed nan blunder connected being 'so focused' connected defeating nan Russian tyrant who invaded Ukraine two-and-a-half years ago.

One of his worst gaffes yet came successful beforehand of world friends and soon earlier his pivotal 'big boy' property convention that could beryllium nan last nail successful nan coffin for his hopes of remaining arsenic nan Democratic candidate.

The latest bungled comments will adhd substance to nan occurrence for critics who opportunity he isn't tin of being successful agency for different 4 years, yet unsocial winning successful November. 

 2. Calls Kamala Harris 'VP Trump' 

Biden committed a important flub, conscionable hours aft blowing his preamble of President Zelensky.

While defending his viability, he trumpets Vice President Kamala Harris – but bizarrely refers to her arsenic ‘vice president Trump.’

'Look, I wouldn't person picked Vice President Trump to beryllium vice president, did I deliberation she's not qualified to beryllium president. Number one,' Biden said.

He past moves beyond nan mixup, earlier getting a mobility referencing his earlier comments blowing his preamble of Zelensky.

 3. Forgets his ain Defense Secretary's sanction and calls him 'black man'

Joe Biden appeared to hide his ain Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's sanction during an question and reply and alternatively called him 'black man.'

The president was speaking while campaigning successful Las Vegas - a travel that was trim short connected Wednesday erstwhile nan 81-year-old tested affirmative for COVID-19.

In nan question and reply pinch Black Entertainment Television, Biden said: 'It's each astir treating group pinch dignity. For example, look astatine nan power I'm getting because I named a, uh, nan Secretary of Defense, a achromatic man.'

A spokesperson for nan Biden run didn't mention nan mumbled consequence astir Austin. 

Instead, he said successful nan BET question and reply that nan president 'talked astatine magnitude astir nan value of Black America, nan historical ways he has delivered for Black communities, and his proactive imagination to guidelines up for civilian rights, turn an system wherever difficult activity pays off, and make lodging much affordable.' 

 4. Walks disconnected stage, runs into a emblem and fails to shingle hands with Brazil's President 

On September 20 past year, ailing Biden seemed to nutrient gaffe aft gaffe while connected the UN stage alongside Brazil's President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Lula da Silva, 78, looked visibly irritated aft nan 2 leaders shared a shape to speak astir their inaugural to amended workers' authorities successful each state - because Biden walked disconnected without shaking his hand. 

Their negotiated gathering sewage disconnected to a labored commencement erstwhile Biden shuffled into a seven-foot Brazilian flag, leaving it teetering arsenic he approached nan podium. 

The president made a rambling reside astir his 'economic imagination to rebuild our system from nan mediate retired and nan bottommost up, not nan apical down' while Lula watched connected from his correct flank. 

Meanwhile, during Lula's speech, Biden fumbled pinch his headset, which he was utilizing to perceive a translated version. 

Biden continued to look confused arsenic he grappled pinch nan headset while Lula went connected pinch his speech. At 1 point, Biden dropped his earpiece and raised his eyebrows successful frustration.

International Labor Organization Director General Gilbert Houngbo shook hands pinch Biden and Lula successful move astatine nan adjacent of his reside - but Biden appeared to time off Lula hanging, awkwardly saluting nan assemblage earlier shuffling disconnected stage.

He appeared to beryllium torn betwixt giving a thumbs-up aliases a salute, and made a sloppy motion combining nan two.

5. Calls nan Congressional Hispanic Caucus nan 'Black Caucus' 

On September 22, nan president made yet different nationalist gaffe erstwhile each eyes were connected him during a keynote reside successful Washington, DC. 

Joe Biden mistakenly praised nan 'Congressional Black Caucus' during a reside to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. 

He had celebrated Sister Norma Pimental, executive head of Catholic Charities of nan Rio Grande Valley, for her gala grant triumph moments earlier nan mistake. 

Biden praised her for surviving nan lessons based on the Gospel of Matthew earlier adding: 'The Congressional Black Caucus embodies each those values.'

'I cognize Sister Norma lives nan lessons nuns taught maine increasing up,' Biden said during nan reside addressing the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

'Lessons based connected nan Gospel of Matthew: provender nan hungry, attraction for nan sick, invited strangers.'

'They echo what my dada taught me, and I mean this sincerely, my dada utilized to say, ‘Everyone, everyone is entitled to beryllium treated pinch dignity and respect.'

The president added: 'The Congressional Black Caucus embodies each those values,' without correcting his mistake. 

6. Repeats communicative astir achromatic supremacist rally doubly astatine aforesaid event 

President Joe Biden speaks astatine a weapon information arena and repeated nan aforesaid communicative doubly astatine a fundraiser successful New York City wherever cameras were not coming successful nan room - though was attended by a mini excavation of journalists covering him 

Biden repeated nan same communicative doubly wrong minutes astatine a backstage fundraising arena successful New York successful September 2023. 

The communicative was 1 nan 80-year-old president tells often astir really events successful Charlottesville, Virginia successful 2017, and nan guidance of Donald Trump, inspired him to tally for nan White House.

On Aug 11, 2017 achromatic supremacists and neo-Nazis descended connected nan metropolis and clashes continued into nan pursuing day.

Biden, who was successful New York for nan United Nations General Assembly, attended a fundraising gathering hosted by nutrient information master Amy Goldman Fowler astatine her home.

According to a White House excavation study of nan backstage arena he began speaking conscionable aft 4pm successful a surviving room successful beforehand of astir 2 twelve people.

After concisely talking astir his economical grounds he reflected connected his determination to activity nan presidency and 'talked astir nan events of Charlottesville' arsenic nan logic for his campaign, nan study said.

'A fewer minutes later, he told nan communicative again, astir connection for word,' nan study went on.

7. Biden refers to rapper LL Cool J arsenic 'LL Jay Cool J'    

Biden faced yet much disapproval aft referring to legendary rapper LL Cool J arsenic a 'boy' aft getting his sanction incorrect at nan Congressional Black Caucus connected Saturday night.

LL Cool J and MC Lyte received Phoenix Awards for their philharmonic contributions astatine nan yearly ceremonial successful Washington DC.

While connected stage, Biden, 80, said: 'Two of nan awesome artists of our clip representing ground-breaking bequest of hep hop successful America, LL Jay Cool J, uhhh...' earlier trailing off.

Biden past added: 'By nan measurement that boy - that man's sewage biceps bigger than my thighs.'

The footage of his reside was quickly re-posted by right-wing RNC Research connected societal media, wherever commentators swiftly pointed retired that referring to African Americans arsenic 'boy' is wide considered a derogatory term. 

8. Claims he's been to 'every wide shooting' - which he has not  

Biden besides - erroneously - claimed to person been to ‘every mass shooting.' 

The bizarre remark came days aft he falsely claimed to person visited Ground Zero nan time aft 9/11, and person near galore demanding to cognize whether he is lying aliases forgetting.

Speaking alongside vice-president Kamala Harris successful nan White House Rose Garden, he said his management had been ‘working relentlessly to do something’.

‘After each wide shooting, we perceive a elemental message, nan aforesaid connection heard each complete nan country, and I’ve been to each wide shooting,’ he told his audience.

There person much than 500 wide shootings successful nan US this twelvemonth and critics connected societal media were scathing successful their consequence to nan latest gangly story.

‘Suspicious, if true,’ tweeted erstwhile US diplomat Alberto Fernandez.

9. Trips and falls while handing retired diplomas astatine Air Force Academy 

This came aft a a bid of stumbles stepping connected and disconnected Air Force One , which sewage truthful bad that successful February a Secret Service supplier has to guidelines astatine nan bottommost of nan stairs arsenic an other precaution successful lawsuit nan President were to autumn again

Biden stumbled and deed nan level cadets and Secret Service members rushed to drawback his arms while he was handing retired diplomas successful Colorado. 

He past walked distant without thief and appeared to constituent to a sandbag connected nan stage.

The White House since insisted nan president wasn't wounded and besides blamed nan achromatic sandbag, which could beryllium seen adjacent nan podium wherever he was speaking.

'He's fine,' White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt tweeted soon aft nan incident. 'There was a sandbag connected shape while he was shaking hands.'

But nan stumble marks nan 4th clip Biden fell successful nationalist since taking agency successful January 2021.

This came aft a a series of stumbles stepping connected and disconnected Air Force One, which sewage truthful bad that successful February a Secret Service supplier has to guidelines astatine nan bottommost of nan stairs  arsenic an other precaution successful lawsuit nan President were to autumn again. 

Over nan past twelvemonth he moreover started taking nan shorter stairs connected nan nether belly of Air Force One, alternatively than ascending and descending nan much expansive and overmuch longer staircase traditionally utilized to committee nan statesmanlike Boeing 747.

10.  Toppled complete connected his motorcycle adjacent his Delaware formation house 

In June 2022, President Joe Biden fell disconnected his motorcycle during thrust adjacent his Rehoboth Beach location successful Delaware, wherever he and his woman our celebrating their 45th wedding day weekend.

Earlier he had told press, 'I'm good,' aft falling complete and taking his motorcycle pinch him.

Biden told reporters that he had problem removing his shoes from nan bikes' pedals, causing nan autumn astir 9:30am.

He had travel complete to opportunity hullo to a crowd that had gathered adjacent nan Gordon's Pond State Park motorcycle trail, pinch group yelling 'Happy Father's Day' to nan president.

Upon trying to dismount nan bike, his shoes caught and he fell complete sideways, causing a huffy scramble of Secret Service and property trying to thief him up.

Gasps rang retired aft nan fall, which saw Biden, 79, enactment connected nan crushed for astir 10 seconds, earlier being helped up by respective Secret Service Agents, who instantly swarmed nan downed Democrat.

Moments later, Biden was glad-handing nan crowd - moreover bringing 1 female retired to meet first canine Commander, who was being walked nearby.

Source dailymail