Biden administration FREEZES highly-controversial migrant flight program after staggering flaw in the application process was revealed

Trending 2 months ago

The Biden management has paused a arguable scheme that was flying hundreds of thousands of immigrants to nan U.S. per twelvemonth aft monolithic fraud was discovered. 

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed Friday that it temporarily paused its programme that allows up to 30,000 nationals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela (CHNV) to participate nan state each month. 

The abrupt frost of nan contentious programme comes aft an soul DHS study revealed rampant fraud among nan sponsors paying for nan migrants to travel to nan country, a root acquainted pinch nan study told Fox News.

The frost will springiness nan agency clip to analyse if fraud has occurred successful their protagonist applications - which are forms filled by individuals who 'agree to supply financial support to a beneficiary and acquisition inheritance checks.' 

Just 3,200 individual sponsors signed up to support astir 101,000 migrants according to nan report, prompting concerns astatine DHS that nan strategy is being abused.

The study indicating fraud besides shockingly recovered that some of nan names utilized to capable retired sponsor forms belonged to dormant people. 

Migrants committee flights successful Texas bound for Chicago. A Biden management scheme to let migrants from Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti and Venezuela to participate nan U.S. aboard planes has been paused this week aft awesome fraud was discovered internally by DHS  

Additionally, retention units were recovered to beryllium nan location reside for immoderate sponsor applications, while definite telephone numbers were utilized connected thousands of applications.

Almost 3,000 sponsors applications were filled retired utilizing clone zip codes, nan Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) a blimpish migration nonprofit which first obtained nan report, found. 

According to a DHS spokesperson nan agency now has 'review mechanisms successful spot to observe and forestall fraud and maltreatment successful our migration processes. DHS takes immoderate maltreatment of its processes very seriously,' a DHS spokesperson said.

'Where fraud is identified, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will analyse and litigate applicable cases successful migration tribunal and make criminal referrals to nan Department of Justice.'

The spokesperson continued: 'Out of an abundance of caution, DHS has temporarily paused nan issuance of precocious recreation authorizations for caller beneficiaries while it undertakes a reappraisal of protagonist applications. DHS will restart exertion processing arsenic quickly arsenic possible, pinch due safeguards.'

'Shut it down permanently,' Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said of nan Biden plan. 'This programme should person ne'er existed successful nan first place.'

'It's conscionable different measurement nan Biden-Harris Administration has welcomed hundreds of thousands of aliens into our country, unchecked.'

House Homeland Security Chair Mark Green, R-Tenn., told, 'This admittance by nan Biden-Harris management vindicates each informing we person ever issued astir nan unlawful CHNV mass-parole program.'

'It besides exposes nan dishonesty by management officials, for illustration now-impeached DHS Secretary Mayorkas, astir nan value and grade of nan vetting process—not conscionable for nan inadmissible aliens seeking entry, but those attempting to sponsor them.'

'We issued a lawsuit past twelvemonth to compel documents regarding this program, and while DHS partially complied, nan section remains delinquent successful producing definite documents and communications relating to nan program.'

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris astatine an airdrome to person Americans released successful a situation swap. Their programme has allowed hundreds of thousands of immigrants to alert straight to nan U.S., get activity permits and unrecorded successful nan U.S. 

Green added: 'This is precisely what happens erstwhile you create an unlawful mass-parole programme successful bid to spare your management nan governmental embarrassment and bad optics of overrun borders. The Biden-Harris management should terminate nan CHNV programme immediately.'

The formation programme was started successful October 2022 and was initially meant for Venezuelans who met definite conditions for illustration they had not antecedently tried to participate nan U.S. illegally, had a U.S.-based sponsor and passed biographical vetting.

Notably, nan migrants are responsible for their ain travel, but nan programme allows them to alert to nan U.S.

The sponsors for nan migrants besides must acquisition inheritance checks, which makes nan reported fraud among them moreover much concerning. 

Still, DHS emphasized that CHNV beneficiaries are 'thoroughly screened' anterior to their arrival. 

'The multi-layered screening and vetting for precocious recreation authorizations is abstracted from nan screening of U.S.-based supporters,' nan spokesperson told Fox News. 'DHS has not identified issues of interest relating to nan screening and vetting of beneficiaries.' 

As of October 2023, location were astir 1.6 cardinal applicants waiting for DHS support to alert to nan U.S. utilizing Biden's parole program, nan agency said this year. 

Source dailymail