Alabama district bans popular teenage apparel as it introduces one of the strictest dress codes in the US - here's what student's can NOT wear

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By James Gordon For

Published: 01:55 EDT, 29 July 2024 | Updated: 04:41 EDT, 29 July 2024

An Alabama schoolhouse territory appears to beryllium taking connected nan domiciled of manner constabulary aft introducing what whitethorn beryllium nan strictest dress codification for teenage students astatine immoderate precocious schoolhouse successful nan country. 

Bessemer City High School is banning everything from hoodies and leggings to flip-flops and Crocs.

While immoderate of nan clothing is typically regarded arsenic inappropriate for nan classroom, specified arsenic bandanas and sunglasses, others exclusions look much extreme, specified arsenic a prohibition connected comfy pajama pants aliases jeans pinch holes in. 

School officials statement that each of nan items listed including open-toe shoes, hoodies and leggings person technically been against nan rules for years, but only now are schoolhouse officials are taking a guidelines and threatening students pinch suspension if they flout nan rules.

An Alabama schoolhouse territory appears to beryllium taking connected nan domiciled of nan manner constabulary aft introducing what whitethorn beryllium nan strictest dress codification for students astatine immoderate precocious schoolhouse successful nan country

'We are OK pinch them being individual. We conscionable want to make judge it falls wrong nan guidelines of our dress code,' Principal Stoney Pritchett, pictured said

'Bessemer City Schools will strictly enforce nan dress codification and will not let students to be people if students are wearing inappropriate aliases questionable attire,' nan schoolhouse wrote successful a missive location to students and parents. 

'The module and management shall promote students to beryllium alert that dress and individual quality may, successful a very existent manner, power nan cognition and cognition others whitethorn person of nan student arsenic an individual,' a connection by nan committee explained. 

'Therefore, each student should see reasonable judgment, tact, and decency successful nan action of apparel for schoolhouse and for individual appearance.'

Educators opportunity that by adhering to a stricter schoolhouse dress code, students will look less distractions which will yet thief pinch learning. 

Yet location are nary plans to present a schoolhouse uniform, for example, which would lick astir of nan problems instantly.

'We are OK pinch them being individual. We conscionable want to make judge it falls wrong nan guidelines of our dress code,' Principal Stoney Pritchett and counsellor Tahuna Thomas said. 

Bessemer High School is introducing caller clothing guidelines for students pinch nary hoodies allowed. Students are spot successful nan canteen earlier this year

Bessemer High School is banning immoderate of nan most-worn items by teens 

Students astatine nan schoolhouse are seen earlier this year. Baseball caps and hoodies will not beryllium allowed from August

'This argumentation is simply a dress codification to thief foster a consciousness of organization and trim distractions, allowing students to attraction connected their studies,' nan schoolhouse wrote connected Facebook.

Principal Pritchett besides said that by enforcing nan dress code, it would beryllium safer for nan students.

'Oftentimes astatine nan precocious school, we person drills. We person tornado drills, occurrence drills and upwind drills,' Pritchett said to KOLO.

'We person to statement up and spell extracurricular and things for illustration that. We want to make judge that kids are safe moving passim nan building. 

'Other things hap arsenic good that nan schoolhouse can't prevent. We conscionable want to make judge that nary 1 breaks their limb aliases their ankle because nan schoolhouse is liable, and we want to make judge everyone is safe.'

Bessemer City School District is cracking down connected nan dress codification for students erstwhile nan schoolhouse twelvemonth starts successful August

The schoolhouse released elaborate instruction connected really students should construe nan caller dress code

When Bessemer City High School originates their schoolhouse twelvemonth connected August 8, students will beryllium prohibited from wearing nan following:

  • Sunglasses successful nan building, isolated from pinch a doctor's prescription
  • See-through, skintight, spandex, jeggings, yoga pants, and /or revealing clothing 
  • Open aliases concatenation belts, unbuckled belts, physics belts for buckles, aliases headdress 'fish hooks'
  • Unfastened overalls
  • Pants / Slacks that sag 
  • Hats, caps, headgear, and immoderate different caput covering successful nan buildings connected field isolated from for belief caput coverings
  • Curlers, picks, combs, aliases chopsticks
  • Bandannas aliases sashes anyplace arsenic a portion of dress
  • Clothing pinch holes supra nan knee
  • House shoes/ slippers unless approved by a expert aliases schoolhouse administration 
  • Clothing depicting unacceptable and /or inappropriate decals, slogans, aliases pictures; profanity; connection containing aliases referring to suggestive aliases obscene behavior; pack activity; alcohol; drugs; aliases tobacco
  • Any clothing and /or headgear which straight aliases by innuendo disrespects (or is perceived to disrespect) a student's race, color, religion, gender, nationalist origin, aliases disablement and /or creates, Board of Education (including antagonistic feelings, disharmony, group aliases belief discord, intimidation, embarrassment and/or fear)
  • Trench coats aliases Matrix coats, pajamas blankets aliases stuffed animals shall not beryllium worn astatine schoolhouse aliases brought to school
  • Slides / Open toed shoes 
  • Hoodies (throughout nan schoolhouse day)
Source dailymail